It’s Thanksgiving!

Don’t beat me up, but I am not a big fan of holidays. I do like birthdays though, but holidays…not so much. One of the few holidays that I do actually enjoy is Thanksgiving!

Why I Don’t Really Like Holidays?

A lot of the other holidays cause me stress and anxiety. It is too socially constructed and too materialistic. I like how Thanksgiving gives the opportunity for loved ones to get together, cherish memories with one another, and share a delicious meal together. Most importantly, I like that spirit of gratitude behind Thanksgiving. Also, there’s no pressure to get gifts and there aren’t ads everywhere reminding you of the holiday.

Some of these holidays are “too in my face” and it becomes overwhelming. It ruins the whole vibe for me.

Let’s look at Christmas for example. By October, there are Christmas trees with lights EVERYWHERE. There is Christmas decor EVERYWHERE. Christmas music inundating my ears EVERYWHERE I go. Christmas ads EVERYWHERE pressuring you to buy the next big gift for someone that they may or may not use.

To My Holiday Lovers

I don’t judge those who love the holidays and/or love Christmas, for example. I’m not sharing my thoughts in hopes of having holiday lovers decide to change their minds about the holidays.

I really just wanted to highlight how much I really like Thanksgiving, even though I generally don’t like holidays.

And I also wanted to share my perspective for anyone else out there who also feels the same way as me and feels guilty for such feelings because of society’s perspective.

So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I immerse myself in gratitude. I am grateful for my new book, Letters to My Bipolar Self. I am grateful to add the title author to my name. I am grateful for all the support I received as I worked on my book. I am grateful for all the self – love that I poured into this book. I am grateful for SOO much more related to my book and beyond. With gratitude, I hold it all in my heart.

What are you grateful for?

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