I have been having an anxiety episode for months now. Sometimes it seems to be getting better and other times it seems to be getting worse.

My Anxiety Meltdown

A few days ago I had an anxiety meltdown where I was feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and super anxious. I was proud of myself though because I automatically realized that I needed to take a pause and just meditate. I did just that!

Meditation to the Rescue

As I was looking for a guided meditation for anxiety on the Insight Timer app, I felt the emotional turmoil bubbling up and out my body. I knew that crying would be the next step…if I allowed it. (For those who don’t know, I don’t like crying and sometimes stop myself from crying.)

For some reason, I allowed myself to cry and literally broke down crying. It was pretty intense. It lasted for minutes on and off.

Something interesting happened while I was crying though. In between moments of my frustration and unbearable anxiety, I kept telling myself…thank you Anxiety. I repeated it a few times as I cried.

Thank you, Anxiety

Thank you, Anxiety was on my mind because I recently wrote an Instagram post titled “Thank you, Anxiety”.

I explained in my post how Anxiety was present for a reason and how because of anxiety I was meditating more and working out more.

Exhibit A: The last three sentences.

As frustrating and painful it might be to be experiencing an anxiety episode, especially for months, I learn a lot from Anxiety. Anxiety shows up for a reason and for a purpose. That’s why, I was able to say, thank you, Anxiety as I was crying. In some ways, it wasn’t easy to say it because of all the discomfort, but it became easier the more I would say it in my head while crying.

If you find it too challenging to tell your anxiety, thank you, at least listen to what it might be trying to tell you.

What did Anxiety want to tell me?

This time around, anxiety has been telling me a few things. And one thing that I heard was that I needed to get away and have some time alone.

I listened and I am excited to say that next week I will be going on a mini-staycation for 2 days. I will also be limiting my access to my phone and might even go on a mini social media break. My anxiety will then be thanking me.