It’s been months since I took an Ativan. I try to limit using it. It can be addictive, so you have to be careful. If I take it, then things must be bad.

What is an Ativan?

Ativan AKA Lorazepam is an anxiety pill. It works really well, but can also be considered a narcotic with its addictive properties.

When I was first hospitalized in 2011, I was on Ativan consistently for about 6 weeks (more or less). A psychiatrist started weening me off of it by lowering my dose little by little and then he told me to take only take it as needed.

Since then, I’ve been taking Ativan on and off. Some years I might not take it at all. I tend to take it more consistently if I am having a breakdown or an anxiety episode. Either way, I stay on top of it and monitor my usage.

So what made me take one now?

I’m overwhelmed and anxious. My chest is tingling. I am not able to take full breaths.

I have been overwhelmed by working on different projects at once by working on publishing my book, working on this blog, looking for gigs for extra cash, etc.

My physical health has been giving me problems, so I have been going from doctor to doctor for exams after exams.

And lately, I’ve been traveling around NYC more. It is draining and takes a lot of energy out of me.

To Take Or Not To Take

There are times when I am debating whether or not to take an Ativan. Sometimes I wait until my anxiety debilitates me to take it.

It’s good that I monitor my usage, but it can also be detrimental if I wait too long to take it.

I have to allow myself to take it and not be too strict. Not taking it can jeopardize my wellness or make my symptoms spiral.